Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg

Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg is Director International Markets at BVMW since January 2020.
Before, he held management positions in Germany and abroad and was responsible for business development in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. He managed the international business in the CIS for the German automotive supplier Flaig + Hommel GmbH. He
was Deputy Regional Director of DB International GmbH, a foreign subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, in Moscow. He is a member of International Business Associations and well connected in many countries.
Wednesday 11th September
Opening address by Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg
Reinhold von Ungern-Sternberg from BVMW will take the stage to provide insights into the organization's current initiatives and goals. This session aims to connect with the audience by outlining BVMW's role in supporting small and medium enterprises within the industry.